Flexit ventilation

Very briefly described:

  • Flexit Uni 3

  • Flexit modbus adapter CI66

  • Intel NUC running Home assistant and with an USB RS485 adapter

  • Homeyscript interacting directly with the home assistant API

Here is the homeyscript interacting with the API:

let variables = await Homey.logic.getVariables()
let getVar = (name) => {
    let x = _.find(variables, (val, key) => {return (val.name === name) })
    if (typeof x === 'undefined') throw new Error("Could not find variable [" + name + "]")
    return x
// Variables: home,bright,timeperiod,presence-2etg
let home = getVar('home').value
let vent = getVar('vent').value

// home: boolean
// vent: boolean

let fanmode = "Low"
if (home) {
    if (vent) {
        fanmode = "High"
    } else {
        fanmode = "Medium"

let body = {
    "entity_id": "climate.flexit",
    "fan_mode": fanmode
let bodyencoded = JSON.stringify(body)
let token = '-----removed------' // get a token from the home assistant user settings

let response = await fetch("https://home.solweb.no/api/services/climate/set_fan_mode",
    headers: {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
    method: "POST",
    body: bodyencoded
let json = await response.json()
// console.log("Reponse: ", json)

if (json.length <= 0) {
    throw new Error("Empty response....")

return true;

Last updated

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